Good Night SMS

  1. LyinG oN mY BeD, LoOkiN at ThE CloCk, I nOe tAt iTs timE 2 zzz. I WonDeR HoW hAv U bEEn todaY... HopE Tat EveryTHinG is FInE.. WiSh u sweeT dReaMz n Sleep TiGhT!

  1. Good night my very special friend,I pray you lay in rest,And may tomorrow bring you,Much love and happiness. do not think of me...i m in ur eyes.

  1. Live By Faith & Not By Sight .. So Whether I See U Or Not, Talk To U Or Not, I Know That U R Still The Same, A Friend Worth Keeping Till The End.... Good Nite.

  1. As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Sweetest dreams & Good Night

  1. Take care! The texts you send me night and day like jewels in my heart they stay...And so to God I always pray the best of blessings be yours...Each day & Night

  1. Night is longer than day for those who DREAM,and day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS COME TRUE....Wish you Good Night and Sweet Dreams!

  1. As day turns to NIGHT.,.Keep your worries out of SIGHT....No matter how TOUGH the world may still deserve the SWEETEST DREAM .....GOOD NIGHT.

  1. Night doesnt become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon,It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep and let stars & moon admire ur innocence..Good night

  1. I wish moon always be full & bright !!!U always be cool & right!!! Whenever u go to switch off the light,Remember that I am wishing u Good Night......

  1. At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS....Good Night!!!

  1. Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!

  1. G -o to Bed O -ff the lights O -ut of tension D -reams come N -ice sleep I -gnore worries G -et up earlier H -ave a nice thought T -hank the God

  1. Despite the Old saying "Don't Take Your Troubless & Worries To Bed" Most of the People still sleep with their wives!!! WHAT A CRAZY WORLD, Good Night

  1. hide my tears when I say ur name, But the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile & seem carefree, there's no one who miss U more than me. Good Night & Sweet Dream

  1. My Math teacher told me 1 Hour=60 Mins & 1 Min = 60 secs. but she never told me 1 sec without a FRIEND like you is equal to 100 years. Miss you, Good Night, have a sweet dream

  1. G-o to bed O-ff the lights O-ut of tensions D-reams come N-ice sleep I-gnore worries G-et up early H-ave a nice day T-hank God always.

  1. Stars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonite. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams.

  1. 1 evening i will come 2 ur room, lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed. i'll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face.... & i'll shout: have a gr8 night!

  1. My day may be hectic. My schedule may be tight. But I would never let the day end without saying good night. Sweet dreams...

  1. The greatest gift u can give 2 sum1 is your time. B'coz when u give sum1 ur time. You're givin them a portion of life that U never get back. Good Night Friend

  1. Money can buy a house not home, A bed but not sleep, medicine but not health, Money is dirty, it only cause pain & suffering. SEND me all UR MONEY & BE HAPPY. Good Night

  1. Name 3 characteristics 4 me out of 1. Arrogant 2. Sweet 3. Egoistic 4. Lively 5. Playful 6. smart 7. Honest 8. Shy 9. Confident 10.Hyper Be Honest while you reply. Good Night

  1. Hey u!!! Yes u... the cute one... holding this phone! are you asleep? Juste wanted 2 say Good Night..!

  1. 12 ' . 9 !/ 3 ' . 6 . ' . ' 12 ' . 9 !_ 3 ' . 6 . ' . ' 12 ' . 9 _! 3 ' . 6 . ' still awake? Time to sleep, GOOD NITE+SLEEP TIGHT+SWEET DREAMZ!!!

  1. Take a deep breath,Stand near the window,Look at the sky,There will be two stars twinkling brightly,u know what they are????They are my eyes always taking care of U..Good night

  1. Saw my msg? n0??? n0w, can u? still can't?? c0z n0 wORds can x-press how special u are! Good night!

  1. This is my LAST message of d day 4 d person I care & luv FIRST & d person that came into my mind is U.... so juz wanna wish you good nite...

  1. U r the reason why I have sleepless nihgts,U r the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight.U r the reason I cant sleep without saying Good Night.....

  1. See stars are blinking,Moon is shinning & breeze is singing... Bcoz I ask them to greet U a special Good Night...!!!

  1. I wish Moon always be full & bright and U always be cool & right.Whenever U go to switch off the light,Remember that I m wishing U Good Night...!!!!

  1. My day won't certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn't sleep yet without saying I love you. Good Night

  1. ream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you'll have the sweetest dream tonight... Good Night

  1. My day won't certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn't sleep yet without saying I love you. Good Night

  1. Sending u MY BED 2 let u rest, Pillows 2 give u COMFORT, and MY BLANKET 2 keep u warm. Gdnite! Sleep tight.I cant sleep now..coz i lent u all my things!

  1. can u do something for me? go to the window....look to the sky***can u see the stars? can u count them ? this is how much i miss u and even more !!!(***good night)

  1. The night is silent but I can't sleep. Maybe because I am waiting for my cell phone to beep. Before I dream, what I want is get your message and read

  1. Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment He cares for you all the way. Good Night

  1. Hi Moon!!!Dim Ur light...Hello Wind!!!Breeze Soft...Hi Flower!!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!!!Spin Gently....'coz My sweet friend is going to sleep....Good Night.....

  1. A special face,a special smile, a special someone, a special hug from me to u, a special person, I found in u, Sweet Dreams, Sleep well!

  1. do not think of me...i m in ur ur ur ur soul...everywhere...ever if u want me..just close ur eyes and listen i m saying.." i miss u"..Good Night

  1. ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF ME, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SLEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Good Night

  1. In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams G00d Nite

  1. Dont ever give up wen u r doesnt matter if u fall many tyms..jst remember that each time u fall nvr let u reach d always be around.gudnyt

  1. Welcome aboard2 "Sweet Dreams" airline, all passengers on bed, hug ur pillows as the flight will be leaving soon 2dream land. Enjoy ur time ;) G'NITE

  1. i wish that God would hold u tite. i hope that angels will keep u in site. Now just2make sure u feel all rite, i'm gonna wish u a wonderful nite! sleep tite!

  1. Here r 1000 Gud N8 Kisses 4U, take 1 now put d other 999 under ur pillow. Gdn8!

  1. Good night use to be such ordinary words until the day I met you...Suddenly it seems to be the sweetest words to say...Wishing you "good night" come from deep inside my heart...For you are the friend I have missed all my life...

  1. When nights r long & friends r few,I sit by my window & think of u,A silent whisper a silent tear,With all my heart i wish you were here.

  1. Happiness is like a butterfly, u run after it, it keeps flying away. If u stand still it comes & sits on ur shoulders. Wish u the most happiest moments!Gd Nite

  1. A late night greeting doesnt only mean good night It has a silent msg sayin.. ur my last thought at night..Gdnight

  1. May be u are busy or tired by the end of the day, just wana tell you 143, GOOD NIGHT before I sleep

  1. AS a day turns into night, Keeping worries out of site... No matter how tuf d world may seem, But.... U still deserve the sweetest dream tonight.... Good Night!!!

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